Emergent Risk – A Perspective for Super Boards

Emergent Risk Webinar – How is the financial services sector managing the risk? In this one hour session, executives and board came together in a virtual panel discussing a range of topics: from Cyber Risk, Business Continuity Risk, Environment Risk, amongst other emergent risks.

The webinar addressed the challenges of the board of Super funds in managing future risks that will become more dominant. It also walked through the different experiences of Board members in dealing with the greater responsibility that came about with APRA CPS 234.

Interested in finding out how our industry leaders have been responding in maintaining business continuity with COVID-19? What about risk transfer options; how does Cyber Insurance come in?

Join organiser Meena Wahi, MBA from Cyber Data-Risk Managers with panel speakers Teresa Dyson, Michelle Beveridge and Romain Rallu moderated by Shamane Tan as they explored the above topics and more!

Download Transcript of the Webinar

Meena Wahi – https://www.linkedin.com/in/meenawahi/

Teresa Dyson – https://www.linkedin.com/in/teresa-dy…

Romain Rallu – https://www.linkedin.com/in/romain-ra…

Michelle Beveridge – https://www.linkedin.com/in/michelle-…

Shamane Tan – https://www.linkedin.com/in/shamane/

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this webinar are of general nature only and should not be construed as advice. It does not take into account your specific situation. Please approach your Risk Advisor for advice.

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